Monday, June 13, 2011


It's late. I'm partied out, exhausted but grateful for great days of celebrating my kids.

About Talya, I don't even know what to say. She's our free spirit. I've been called that a lot in my life by people who think "free spirit" means "dresses weird" or "paints her house bright colors" or "says things she shouldn't." But, really, freeing my spirit from caring what others think - and what I think God would think - is a long and windy process of growth.

With T, the phrase makes sense. She's completely unpredictable; she's entirely and uniquely herself. She wears her freedom like a beautiful dress that I hope she never outgrows.

(She's also a sister wholly devoted to both of her brothers, which is one part of her that I completely get. )


Dad said...

Happy Birthday, Talya. I love you!

Mom said...

Love how you say, "she wears her freedom like a beautiful dress that I hope she never outgrows". I love that little girl. She is beautiful inside and outside, just like her mom! I also have always loved your devotion to your brothers. I am not surprised at all that you have passed that trait on to T.