Friday, December 3, 2010

my day in random thoughts

Cutest thing ever, esp with the nose picking.

It never takes more than 2 days for Baby Jesus to go missing from the Nativity scene.

If you had seen my kitchen before, you'd see how clean it is now. If you didn't, you'd probably think I was a big slob.

"Mom, I peed on the wall on accident." Not something I want to hear the day after I scrub pee off every surface in the bathroom and lecture every one in the house on "aim."

I made Bee-Bim-Bop for dinner tonight, after my kids fell in love with the children's book on Korean food. My two-year-old daughter ate half a jar of Kimchee and would have kept going if I'd let her. Is that weird?


Anonymous said...

My kids LOVE Bee Bim Bop too!! And I had to laugh at the "pee on the wall" comment "on accident" ... I think we've been in Delhi for too long!

Unknown said...

Laughing hysterically here in HB. So rad.

Abby said...

See, you are an exceptionally great mom. If my kid ever asked me for something called Bee Bim Bop (obviously I'm unfamiliar with this particular cuisine) I would say "Huh?" and then after they explained it to me, I would either say "Excellent! I'll throw some lipgloss on and we'll go!" or "Wow! I'll bet Dad can make that, why don't you go ask him?"

The Lembright Family said...

No its not weird at all...Abe's favorites right now are "bean buns and jackfruit"! What? I miss you girl and so wish I could hug all your little ones right now...have a great, chaotic, pee-free week!