Monday, January 5, 2009

Working it Out

Getting in shape is not a new year's resolution. I already told you what my resolutions are, and they do not include working out. However, I have gotten myself into the desired jeans (thanks to old navy's generous sizing system that has declared me a size I haven't been since college), and with no plans of pregnancy, I intend to stay there.

Of course, the way I ate over Christmas suggests that I'm actually trying to fit back into my fat clothes. My dad needs to drop a few pounds and it was like I made it my personal mission to consume all the junk food in the house so he didn't feel tempted. You're welcome, Dad.

So, here we are, back to reality, and I decided to make some time to not so much exercise, but move around a little. I resolved that I would not get up any earlier to make this happen, but that I would take advantage of the fact that Taly is sort of low-maintenance and would probably let me work out in the living room while she sucked on all of the remote controls. So, I checked some DVDs out of the library and put my tennis shoes on.

And, do you know what? I found the perfect exercise DVD. Walking off the Pounds, or something like that. It's a half-hour of walking, shimmying, and other not-very-demanding moves like stepping to the side and lifting my hands over my head. The workout is led by a woman named Leslie, I think, and she kept assuring me the whole time that the great thing about working out at home is I don't have to do anything I don't want to do or keep up with her at all. "If this is too hard, ladies, just slow down. Okay, now we're going to jog for one minute." I mean, seriously, can it get any better than that?

Talya was happy with the remote control arrangement for about half of the time and then she realized I wasn't playing with her, and she got a little upset, so I just picked her up and we jogged and shimmied and walked in place together, with an occasional low kick to the side.

Of course, since Leslie kept reminding me to go at my own pace, I took a small break to answer the phone and eat a piece of chocolate. I'm pretty proud of myself. I finished the whole workout and I'm almost done with the box of Godiva chocolates from Johnny & Christina - thanks guys!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Okay, now that's really funny! I absolutely love your humor. Miss you!