Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year! I'm sure you're all busy making your new year's resolutions. I myself am not much of a goal setter or list maker, but I have found myself using the word "resolve" a lot more lately. Only, I use it more like this: "I'll just have to resolve myself to the fact that [insert goal] is not going to happen."

So, I've made a new set of New Year's Resolutions. This year, I have resolved myself to the following:

  1. I can lose as much weight as I want, and celebrate that my jeans have the desired digit on the tag, but my stomach will never, ever look the same. I have resolved myself to the fact that bikinis are no longer in my future.
  2. I can pluck and pluck, but in 2009, I have resolved myself to the fact that I will ultimately lose the battle I've been waging with gray hair.
  3. I can keep grasping at my education, my interests, and my growth as an individual, but I have to resolve myself to the fact that I am a Mommy. I have two kids with another hopefully on the way from Africa, and it's time to resolve myself that my productivity in any other area of life is going to be severely limited.
  4. In 2009, I resolve myself to the fact that I can work to save money, but I will never make $5 dinners every night. Or make money at CVS.
  5. And, let's not forget. I have resolved myself to the fact that in 2009, I will be turning 30. I have resolved myself to the fact that I am now probably too old to get my nose pierced. And that's the hardest resolution of all.


Mackensie said...

Today I resolved that I am not "Forever XXI" and should stop shopping there.

Unknown said...

girl, you can TOTALLY get you nose pierced at 30- takes the eyes away from the greys :) hope to see you soon.

DrMommy said...

30!!??? You're a young'un. Get it pierced if you want!

Dad said...

Look, It really doesn't matter how old or young you are! You don't need to do anything like piercing to improve upon the natural beauty you already inherited from your mom! Now, spend a few more moments with Leslie, shimmy yourself back into reality, take another call and pop one more Godiva chocolate and forget such nonsense! Love you,