Friday, June 19, 2009


I have three brothers. I spent my whole life adoring them, in part because they are just that funny, cute, smart, and sweet, and in part because they directed all of their sibling tension at each other and treated me as the favored princess that every girl should be.

Eventually they started dating. That was tough, because they started directing their adoration elsewhere, which was pretty frustrating. I started to have nightmares of what it would be like to someday - for the first time in my life - have SISTERS. In Law. Three of them. It became extremely important to me that they all marry normal, happy people, who were nice.




All three of my sisters-in-law are just as (probably more) funny, cute, smart, and sweet as my little brothers.

What a relief.

In the past year, however, a new family dynamic has taken root. All of these three amazing women love dogs. And, somehow, have converted each brother into the dog-loving camp. I would like to now point out that for at least a decade, each said brother was TERRIFIED Of dogs. (Except Mark, sorry to lump you in there.)

First came Wrigley. She is super cute, and small enough that she didn't freak Simon out too much.

Then came Bella. We haven't met Bella yet, but she looks to be the kind of dog that is adorable and rambunctious. I don't do rambunctious super well, but I am getting a chance to practice. Bella is coming for the weekend!

I am so excited, because with Bella comes my brother Mark, and I would definitely host a puppy to get one of my brothers out here, but I am freaked out.

Simon heard me talking to Mark about Bella, and he immediately got nervous.
"Mom, I don't want the puppy to bite me."

"Simon, she won't bite you."

Mark interjects - "well, she probably will."

But, clearly I need to make this adjustment. There is one more brother and sister-in-law in the family, and I think Christina covets puppies the way most women our age get Womb Itch.

We have suddenly become a Dog Family, and since I will do anything to maintain good relations in my family, I am jumping on board. So long as it doesn't mean I have to EVER get a dog.


Christina Marie said...

This is John and I would just like to point out that although we may get a dog at some point in the future, we do not have a dog currently or have specific plans to acquire a dog. I just think i was lumped in a bit pre-maturely. AND I was never and will never claim to be a dog person. I might yield to christina's wishes at some point but I will not be a dog person.

Stef said...

Bold claim John...we will see what happens. :)

I hope you guys survive the weekend with Bella and she doesn't freak Sy out too much. She is sweet when she is tired...: )

Abby said...

This made me giggle.

I HATED dogs my entire life. Nate loves them. I swore we'd never, ever have one. They jump. And bite. And slobber. And chew stuff.

My brother was fostering two puppies one summer, and brought one of them over to play in our yard while we hung out (never in a million years would I let a puppy in my house).

About three seconds after I saw that puppy running around my yard, I asked Nate if we could keep her.

She jumps. She bites (well, mouths). She slobbers. She chews stuff.

I love her more than anything. I think you'll be okay. And hopefully Simon will be, too. :)

Susie said...

We all survived our weekend with Bella. She didn't eat anything important, including my children, and Simon and Talya both tried really hard to like her, even though they both cried if she actually sniffed them.